Call Center Payment Form (Single Enrollment)
The associated exam taker should expect to receive their registration instructions via email after payment is arranged (typically within 24 hours).

Payee Information:

Exam Taker Information:

Program Selection:

Additional Info if Necessary: The Black Belt includes all of the content in the Green Belt and Yellow Belt.
NOTE: If the customer asks for: Green Belt Level II, Black Belt Level II, Black Belt Level III, or Master Black Belt: They will need to first email to receive approval. They will be sent an invoice for the total amount. The invoice number can then be used as a reference to arrange payment over the phone. This is because the above programs have prerequisites that need to be confirmed before they can enroll.
Additional Info if Necessary: If customer is unsure of which to choose, we typically recommend “Six Sigma” for most people. We recommend “Lean Six Sigma” for those that work in the public sector or armed forces. “Lean Six Sigma” simply means a program that includes “lean” principles in the Six Sigma Curriculum. However, essentially all quality Six Sigma programs already have “Lean” principles incorporated into their curriculum. Therefore, most (if not all) “Six Sigma” programs are actually identical to their “Lean Six Sigma” counterparts. In a nutshell, in today’s world “Six Sigma” and “Lean Six Sigma” essentially mean exactly the same thing. To accommodate employers and employees alike, we offer both varieties.
An E-book is still provided even if they order a physical textbook.
An E-book is still provided even if they order a physical textbook.

Payment Information:

$ 0.00

Additional Payment Comments (optional):